Saturday, November 30, 2013

Here I go again

As an addition to the earlier post, things have changed a little.  Some of the situations are worse than I expected.  To be honest, though they aren't my fault, I'm at one of those points where I feel like it would be better if I weren't here.  If I just disappeared for a while, all of this would pass.  I dunno.  I feel like just staying away from everyone.  Work and home.  That'll be me for a while, unless the DFO (Divine Fluffy One) decides to drastically change things.

On the completely opposite end of the spectrum, my Facebook is open once again.  However, everything prior to this is gone.  I will not send friend requests.  I will not ask to be where I'm not wanted.  If someone wants to be friends with me, they will find me.

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