Tuesday, November 19, 2013

By definition..

..hiatus merely states a time in which a period of time of an activity is stopped.  So, from the time I posted my last blog until this time, there was a short hiatus.  I hadn't intended to carry on with this blog for some time until I received a text message early this morning.  It changed my mind, and my mood quite a bit.

So, on that note, today has been a far better day than the past few have been.  Still feeling the effects of the depression limiting my activity.  I don't have the energy or desire to get up and do anything.  Sometimes you just wonder if it's worth it.  Then you get those little wake up calls where you realize that it is.

While nothing of interest has happened today, I felt that I needed to actually make it known that the message I got this morning meant something to me and that there are people out there that I just can't let down.  Never.  Expect more later.

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