Saturday, November 24, 2012

Short update.

So, not much has really happened since my last update.  I went to the hospital Monday night for what I thought was an allergic reaction to my antidepressant.  I was wrong.  Turns out it was an adverse reaction from the antidepressant to my acid-reflux medication.  The two of those combined said, "Nuh uh!  You're gonna have a bad night!"

So, I'm not on that medication anymore.  They've moved me over into tranquilizer land.  I'm part of the Xanax family now.  Yay.  I can honestly say that it works.  Once the medication kicks in, anxiety and everything else just goes away.  I drift off into sleepy land.

Aside from that fun stuff, I made a blog to record my dreams as I remember them:

That is all for now!

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