Monday, July 11, 2011

In nomine Patris..

"We are the kingdom of light and dreams,"
"gnosis and life, Avantasia!"

Been in some of the strangest moods lately. Mainly irritable. Sometimes disappointed. Sometimes happy. Sometimes empty. Right now, empty.

I just finished 13 audiobooks from The Wheel of Time, catching up with the series in preparation for the release of the final book sometime next year. Honestly, I've listened to it in the car, during slow times before and after work, while doing dishes, doing yard work, even while gaming at times. Now that I'm all caught up and done, I feel an emptiness. I can only imagine how I'm gonna feel when the final book is released and it's all over and done with. As Brandon Sanderson said, I've been reading about these characters and their adventures for at least 10 years now, and I've become attached to them. They're almost like friends that you never see anymore but have had many good times with. So, yeah... Dorky and sad, but still.. All the above being said, that's been a huge part of mine time lately. I've been WoT obsessed. I've been researching background information. I've been looking up interviews. I've been going nuts trying to figure out where it's gonna go from here.

I've also been searching for a new band to listen to since Roy Khan left Kamelot. I'm sure Kamelot will carry on, but I didn't like their first vocalist, so I hold little hope for their new one. I have found a band that entertains me. Avantasia, a side project of Tobias Sammet of the band Edguy. They're a sort of metal opera type thing. Yeah...

Oh. I hate you.

"So say we all."

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