Monday, July 25, 2011

Dreams are weird things.

Figured I'd just take this time to fling down the remains of a dream I had about 8 hours ago. It's random as all hell, and may not make a lot of since to people that don't have kids or watch a lot of kid's shows.

The starting details are a bit fuzzy, but it begins with myself and my son at a shopping mall of some sort. They have an exhibit of art displayed in the halls. It's not fine art, just random art. So as we're looking over the items assembled, one of the individuals that seemed to be in charge mentions that there is a particular piece in a different hall that has a function of some sort that will help to feed the homeless by recycling bottles that you feed into it. Don't ask me where all this came from.

So, my son and I head towards that area, but on the way, we run across a crowd. In the middle of that crowd is the kids from that Nickelodeon show, iCarly, and they're singing "Don't Dream it's Over". Since my son likes to watch that show, we watched the performance, eventually getting to speak to the cast. For some unknown reason, the person that had organized all of this was Courtney Love, all clean and sober and not crazy at all. Afterwards, we all went back to some house and had a pizza party, but the bitch of the thing is, I had to make the pizzas. Even in my dreams, I'm stuck working.

In any event, now that I'm awake, I'm on my way to the District Attorney's office to see if I can avoid going to court tomorrow morning.

"So say we all."

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