Sunday, January 18, 2015

You don't need a title.

Yesterday was acceptance.  Today the depression set in.  Like, I'm really unemployed.  I have no job.  No means to support myself or my son, over some trivial bullshit.  And now, I have to make a new start because some petty bitch who got caught committing a federal offense decided to throw anyone she could under the bus.  Karma is a bitch you fucking whore.  I hope you get everything you god damn well deserve.  You didn't just screw me, but my son and all the others affected by your petty behavior.

I haven't done a lot of blog entries since I stopped having feels.  Back since the last time I let myself fall for someone.  Not much has changed aside from employment.  Well, I did discover that my ex is alive and doing better.  That's a relief to me.  My son is a genius.  Beyond that, I have to find a new job.

Articulation isn't my strong point right now.  Perhaps tomorrow, after I've had some sleep.

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