Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Tonight, I want to talk about nostalgia.  We all have something that takes us back to a time in our life where everything just seemed... fine.  Nothing was wrong.  They were better days.  And now we wish we could regain that feeling.  A lot lately, I've been flashing back to my past.  Songs take me back, smells, books, movies...  Each of the items I'm gonna discuss take me to a certain point in my life, a set of events that I honestly shouldn't remember because there was nothing remarkable about it, but for some reason, it just sticks out.

"Mr. Mister - Broken Wings"

This song always takes me back to one particular night.  I don't know why, but my mom and I had just left Roses, which back in the day was just a notch higher than K-Mart.  Mom had bought me a new Transformer toy, one of the Insecticons, Shrapnel.  And across the street from that Roses was an apartment complex that a friend of the family lived in, so we drove over there.  That song played on the radio on the drive over, so now, every time I hear that song, I always flash back to that memory.  I was probably about 6 or 7, so don't ask why I remember that.

"Matthew Sweet - Girlfriend" (Album)

Back in the days of cassettes, when you stopped listening to something, it stayed at that point unless you changed it by rewinding or fast forwarding.  This particular album was always being played as I read the Apprentice Adept series by Piers Anthony.  So now, whenever I hear a song from that album, I flash back and remember parts of the series that I wouldn't otherwise think of.

"Lunar: Eternal Blue OST"

This, as well as a few others (Coolio's Gangsta's Paradise), defined my early days on the internet.  The game had just released on Sega CD and America Online was one of the only ways to get onto the web.  This was back when having a computer that could play an MP3 was rare. WAV files were all the rage, but having a full song was an insane thought.  It wasn't until I upgraded from a 66mhz computer that I could actually play an MP3 file.  But this soundtrack was one of the first that I managed to get thanks to a website (probably on Angelfire or Geocities) that allowed downloads of the music.  So, as I was chilling in AOL chat rooms and such, this was the soundtrack of those times.

I had intended for this post to be longer and more detailed, but I'm sick, it's getting late and I can't think of anything else right now.  Maybe there will be an addendum to this post later.

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