This post will be chaotic, so try to keep up. Vomit bags are located near the entrance you came through. If you don't know where that is, you're fucked. Don't worry though, because if you puke on yourself, someone on the internet will find it hot. That's the wonder/horror of this generation.
When I was initially approached to start this blog, I declined the idea quickly. I thought that I would not have enough to say or enough desire to make more than one post a month. I figured there was little point to writing anything that really wasn't going to be read by more than one person. Still, here I am writing to sate my own wandering mind.
As those familiar with my behavior know, when I decide to do something, I dive in headfirst and throw all caution and sensibility to the wind. This has been evident in many situations. World of Warcraft was one situation where I would join a guild and dedicate everything I had to that guild. I was convinced that was it. That was the guild for me, forever. Eventually, I learned I was wrong. I moved on, found another guild, and thought that was it. That was the guild for me, forever. Wrong again. Lather, rinse, repeat.
So, with this miniscule example, you would think that I would be more cautious, right? Nope. I tried another MMO, and I enjoyed it, and said that was it. This is the MMO for me. WoW holds nothing for me anymore. I cancelled my WoW account and swore my fealty to the new Power. That fealty lasted 3 weeks.
Again, you would think that I would learn, but again, you would be wrong. Lately, I've been watching Ranma½, and since I've started, I've gotten the soundtracks out, started searching for wallpapers and various other methods of extending my preternatural obsession with this series yet again. I know that I'll devote a lot of time to this series thinking that it will be my favorite, forever, and I'll be wrong eventually.
One person that knows how far my obsessions can go is my former counterpart, as she witnessed them firsthand. So this behavior is in no way new, and it's bound to get me in trouble one day. The most recent example, aside from Ranma½, is my new job. I'm convinced that this is it. This is the job for me, forever. I've thrown in my lot and cast the die and all that jazz. We'll see how long this lasts.
In closing, I'm an obsessive jerk. Keep that in mind, always.
Also, for the moment, my closing images will be related to anime, since that has been a massive part of my life for over 15 years. I haven't determined which path to take on a permanent basis, but today's image will relate to the post.
When I was initially approached to start this blog, I declined the idea quickly. I thought that I would not have enough to say or enough desire to make more than one post a month. I figured there was little point to writing anything that really wasn't going to be read by more than one person. Still, here I am writing to sate my own wandering mind.
As those familiar with my behavior know, when I decide to do something, I dive in headfirst and throw all caution and sensibility to the wind. This has been evident in many situations. World of Warcraft was one situation where I would join a guild and dedicate everything I had to that guild. I was convinced that was it. That was the guild for me, forever. Eventually, I learned I was wrong. I moved on, found another guild, and thought that was it. That was the guild for me, forever. Wrong again. Lather, rinse, repeat.
So, with this miniscule example, you would think that I would be more cautious, right? Nope. I tried another MMO, and I enjoyed it, and said that was it. This is the MMO for me. WoW holds nothing for me anymore. I cancelled my WoW account and swore my fealty to the new Power. That fealty lasted 3 weeks.
Again, you would think that I would learn, but again, you would be wrong. Lately, I've been watching Ranma½, and since I've started, I've gotten the soundtracks out, started searching for wallpapers and various other methods of extending my preternatural obsession with this series yet again. I know that I'll devote a lot of time to this series thinking that it will be my favorite, forever, and I'll be wrong eventually.
One person that knows how far my obsessions can go is my former counterpart, as she witnessed them firsthand. So this behavior is in no way new, and it's bound to get me in trouble one day. The most recent example, aside from Ranma½, is my new job. I'm convinced that this is it. This is the job for me, forever. I've thrown in my lot and cast the die and all that jazz. We'll see how long this lasts.
In closing, I'm an obsessive jerk. Keep that in mind, always.
Also, for the moment, my closing images will be related to anime, since that has been a massive part of my life for over 15 years. I haven't determined which path to take on a permanent basis, but today's image will relate to the post.
"So say we all."
Shampoooo! Easily one of my favourites.