Thursday, January 23, 2014

My brain has lost its mind.

Spiders.  Kittens.  Ex-wives.  Keyboards of the musical variety.  Family members seldom spoken to.  Cameras.  Nudity.  All of these were present in last night's crazy torrent of dreams.

I often dream of spiders.  I suppose it's because it was one of the few things that I was good at photographing.  They didn't move much.   They didn't judge, and I always knew where they'd be.  So, I often see them in my sleep, though the ones in my dreams are often far larger and far more grotesque than those I'd ever see in reality.  Spiders so large that they resemble crabs and actually leave skeletons upon death.

A couple of nights running now, I've dreamt of kittens.  In particular, two nights ago, I dreamt that I saved this small brownish black kitten from drowning.  I reached down to grab him and he, or she, dug claws into my hand to hold on for dear life.  I brought the kitten home, only to be told that I was not allowed to have pets at my house.  Last night, I dreamt I walked out into the backyard, and the kitten came crawling from beneath a pile of branches.  The poor thing looked horrible.  Fur gone in patches.  Bloody pawprints left as it walked through my yard.  I felt so horrible and wanted to do something for it.

I often dream of my ex-wife.  Not surprising, I suppose.  They vary from hateful dreams to loving dreams.  I don't suppose I'll ever be rid of those dreams, no matter what.

For some reason, I had a dream that my step-cousin fixed an old musical keyboard that I no longer have.  It was given to the ex-wife a long time ago.  I suppose there's relevance there.  I dunno.

It's 9:04am.  I'm already pretty messed up.  Today should be interesting.

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