So, it's been a while again. Inconsistency is my consistency. I'm going to try to correct that. Apparently journal keeping is a method of therapy that I was told to try in order to manage my anger and depression and such. So, here I go again on my own. Going down the only road I've ever known. Like a drifter I was born to walk alone... Okay, enough of that.
So, where do I start? Let's start off with personal and work our way down.
So, I have no personal life. Outside of work, I just have my home life, which includes my son and video games. I have no relationships, which I miss. Strange to admit that after all these years, but I'm tired of being alone. When I go out and do my photography, I see all these couples, and the girls want their pictures taken and they drag their guys into the shots and I get jealous because I'm probably never gonna have that again. Being single is great for free time, but horrible for those lonely nights when you just want someone to talk to or watch a movie with or cuddle up next to. Of course, being a single dad makes having a relationship difficult. It's hard to get time alone as it is. I love my son. He's the most important thing to me, but sometimes, I just want more.
My photography hit a spike this year. People started recognizing me and I've gotten a lot better at composition and angles, I think. People are liking my photos and I think I'm starting to get where I need to be, or rather, want to be. However, as with every winter, photography hits a standstill. So, right now, I'm in a dry spell. I'm hoping some events will turn up soon.
I'll probably have more later. Since I'm at work right now, I can't really focus my thoughts as well as I'd like. So, until then...