As my first post to this journal was made, I was grieving the loss of my dog, Reina. We called her Puppy, because we were lazy and she didn't seem to mind. She was 13 years old and was as loyal a dog as I had ever known. I raised her, along with my family, from a puppy to the wonderful dog that she was at her death. She was the first dog I had ever owned long enough to have die of natural causes. Not that any other dog I've owned died any other way. My parents usually didn't like them at the time, and I was too young to argue with them. Nevertheless, Reina was my first 'full-term' dog. She'll be missed.
Now, as Reina was dealt with in the first post, I'm sad to say that I'm again mourning the loss of a dog. This one Butters (Whom we called Piggy because his little snout caused him to snort like a pig when he sniffed around), died far too young. He was no more than 5 years old, but died of the same disease that got Reina. And while Reina's death wasn't really a shock to me, due to her age and the gradual onset of whatever illness it was, I was expecting it. With Piggy, it was more sudden. I went out to feed him, and he had gone to sleep under a swing in the yard, and never woke up.
As I buried him, I couldn't help but feel guilt. Like, maybe I could have done something. Maybe I should have come outside and played with him more. Maybe I should've done more in the yard so that he could follow behind me stupidly. With Reina, I had done all that. We played, walked, wrestled, relaxed... but with Piggy, I dunno.. He was technically my mom's dog, but I tend to become pretty connected to most animals I come in contact with. Due to that, I feel responsible, and I just want to cry.
I'm gonna miss the stupid little fur ball. And despite being against organized religion, I can only hope that he and Reina are rompin' around in that backyard of an afterlife for dogs.
Rest In Peace Reina ...
Rest In Peace Piggy ...